I just found this image done by Todd Goldman, the artist and owner of the clothing apparel line David & Goliath, and I couldn't agree more! Thanks Todd for saying it so well.
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted much this past week. I've been busy reclaiming screens as well as putting emulsion onto them. Since the emulsion is light sensitve and I have to work in a dark room I'm unable to post any photos of the process. Now with the printing prep work finished my main focus now is to design like crazy! I love this part! The goal for John and I is to have our work ready by the end of August to launch our Etsy shop. It will contain John's pottery bowls, etchings, small drawings and paintings, and our silkscreened tees. With all this going on, as well as, work and life we also have freelance work that comes in periodically. So it's going to be busy, busy, busy the next two months, but that's how we like it! :)