Busy in the studio with a photo shoot highlighting new patterns and the new FAT BOTTOM BAGS that now come in small medium and large. Yippeee!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Baby Quackers rescued from on coming traffic!
I've been trying so hard to keep my blinders on from finding any more strays and homeless animals, I'm a magnet for them and I can't take in any more. And while I'm driving to pickup supplies for orders WHAM right in the middle of the road is a baby duckling on his back like a turtle! Long story short there was traffic coming from all directions and momma duck with more ducklings were waiting for him to get up but he couldn't, there was something wrong with his feet. All of them were going to be hit by cars. I stopped to grab this little guy, and another gent jumped out of his car to stop on coming traffic and to shoo mom and babies to safety. Little baby Quackers settled right into my hand. Luckily there was a Petsmart right there and they hooked me up with a small critter box and gave me numbers to wildlife rescues. I picked up the hubby and went right over. Quackers little feet were swollen, maybe something bit him, so they took him in to give him meds & antibiotics. I hope little Quackers makes it he was sooooo super cute! I'm going to go shoe shopping now, hubby wishes that I would come home with shoes instead of rescues ahahahaha. I swear God just throws the animals right in front of me to rescue them, even when I'm trying not to find any more! Ahahhahaha oh by the way you may see me on YouTube everyone in there stopped cars were taking pics, maybe to report me for snatching a wild duckling LOL
Friday, April 5, 2013
New designs in the processes
Hard at work but having loads of fun printing new designs for totes and pillows for the fall/ winter collection.
Friday, February 22, 2013
I have been hard at work, and of course with a lot of fun, designing new patterns for bags and pillows.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Daily inspiration
Miss Ariel and I took our 2 mile daily walk first thing this morning and came across texture and inspiration for new pattern designs, what a beautiful way to start the day.
Friday, January 11, 2013
My little assistant
Lil' Miss Shimmey Marie is hard at work helping me design some new pattern designs, she's an awesome assistant!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Sunday afternoon cutting and sewing a Day Tripper bag for a very special client, a good way to spend a Sunday!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Printing studio
With the month of December being very busy and keeping me out of my printing studio, I have finally found my way back to print a new bag and fabric samples with new designs.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Snuggle time
As Ariel settles into her new home more and more every day she and Shimmey's get closer and closer to snuggling together.
Friday, December 21, 2012
New friends
Ariel is slowly starting to settle into her new digs. Dunkin & Shimmey aren't completely on board yet. The kitties are interested at this point.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Introducing the Day Packer Bag & Skat Bag
I've been hard at work designing a new line of bags with all new sophisticated yet whimsical prints to adorn them with. Introducing the Day Tripper Bag & Skat Bag, these lovely new ladies are made to order and will be a staple in the online stores. Soon more new prints, colors and accessories will be added to this new collection. Shop Day Tripper Bags & Skat Bags
Mirrored print
Moon Beams print
Flying print
Palm Leaves print
Pebbles print
Schooled print
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
New illustrations
I always love going back to the drawing board. It's a way to always improve drawing skills, let my self go to that happy place of calm yet excitement with the search of the figure, texture, and line. It's funny, I love simplicity paralleled with a little chaos of texture, pattern, and color. I love long elegant lines surrounded by quick swirling lines as they figure out the subject at hand.
I normally work in black line with color, but I decided to take off the reins and roam free... just how I like it... with a sienna line.

Stop by the big sale this weekend over at Fab.com, there's going to be some good buys at wholesale prices.
Have a wonderful weekend!
xoxo, Jacque:)
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Jacque Pierro has partnered w/ FAB.COM for a flash sale!

Jacque Pierro & Fab.com have partnered for a 3 day flash sale that will begin this weekend! Go to www.Fab.com to sign-up for a free account. Visit www.JacquePierro.com to see 80 designs... in the shop... of the 253 designs that will be marked down to wholesale prices of 50% off the retail price. Check out the above for all of the details.
See you at the sale!
xoxo, Jacque :)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Walmart Greeter to Living in the Lap of Luxury
Let me introduce our new little kitty... well we've actually had her for 7 weeks as of tomorrow June 7th... Miss Ninja!

She just figured out after... 7 weeks... that the cat bed is actually pretty nice!
We rescued her from the out door garden center at Walmart when we ran over there late one night to pick up some rocks for our new fence that we had installed that day. As we turned the corner BAMB!!! there she was, thin as a rail, nursing 5 little kittens. WTF Noooooo! All 6 of them were very hungry and thin. I immediately ran into the store and grabbed a carrier and 6 cans of food. John about died because he thought I was going to get someone from the store to let them know that they were out there. As we feed everyone John said that he would run home to get our carrier as I tried to keep everyone happy with food. They were all very cautious and would only come within arms length so no luck in catching any that first evening. So we decided that we would leave them some more food and water for the night and come back the next evening to see if we could catch everyone.
Evening 2: Everyone was still there waiting as if they knew we coming back to take care of them. I grabbed the 6 cans of food off the shelf... yes, I did pay for everything... and began to lure the kittens into the crate, but they were still very shy. Every time we moved they scattered. One, maybe two kittens would go in, we debated do we just take them and try again the next night, but what if we spooked everyone and the completely left the safety of the garden center. Plus we also really wanted to rescue Mom as well. I had found a rescue for feral cats that was going to take everyone. If we left her behind, which wouldn't be fare, she was just going to be pregnant again with in no time. I couldn't bare to see here again in the next couple of months out there with another litter of kittens. We made progress with them coming right up to us this 2nd night so we decided to leave them some more food and water for the night and come back the next evening.
Evening 3: This time we came really prepared to catch some kitties! As our secret weapon we had Ilene with us... who works with John & is an avid cat rescuer, she knows what she's doing. She met us in the parking lot with her live trap and another carrier. As we turned the corner into the garden center, it was quiet. There was Momma kitty, but no babies. We looked and looked, but someone must have rescued them before we could that night. Hopefully someone with a good heart. So we debated what do we do? Just leave mom or go ahead and trap her if we could? Every time we were there she would follow us but from a distance. She was very thin and worn out, and we just didn't have the heart to leave her behind. We decided lets give it a try to catch her. If she really doesn't like being indoors we'll let her go in our neighborhood... after a trip to the vet... and we'll feed and take care of her. And to much quick success we caught her right away, she was starving and went right into the live trap. The only problem we ran into was that it was late now and the doors to the garden center were locked, and the doors on the side of building that we were on were also locked. Meaning we had to go completely to the other side of the store with a 3'-4' heavy as heck live trap...covered with a bright red towel... with a wild cat in it! Actually John did, because he had to carry it. aaHahahahaha. It would have been embarrassing, but no one seemed to notice or care, the place was packed and no one noticed or stopped us!

Calm but scarred in her new life. We had to keep her in the live trap until the vet could give her a clean bill of health.
So fast forward, we got her home and she seemed rather calm for a very scared feral cat. We took her to the vet and she received a clean bill of health, she even did really well at the vet. We had her spayed and micro chipped. She was super skinny, but has put on 1-1/2 lbs and she still is very small. She has been slowly acclimating to indoor life by having the run of my office, really no problem there she loved it from the beginning. She loves to be pet and follows us around. Our next big hurdles are 1. To get all of the furry kids to coexist peacefully 2. Ninja to feel comfortable in the rest of the house. We'll get there though, she's a super sweet & smart cat living her new life in the lap of luxury. No more Walmart Greeter life for you Miss Ninja! :)

She's loving her new bed... actually it's been there for 7 weeks.... once she figured it out.
She also thinks it's a great big toy that she attacks.
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