Started off wonderfully this week, not only with Valentine's Day with my sweetie but with the Stylish Blogger Award from my friend and fellow artist Mirjana Cesar. What a way to start the week! :)
Thank you Mirjana for the wonderful award!!!
The Stylish Blog Award works like this:
You have to:
- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you;
- Share 7 things about yourself;
- Pay it forward to 15 blogs you like (but 3, 5 or any number is ok!);
- Contact those bloggers about the award!
7 things about me...
1. I love animals, everyone who knows me knows this about me.
2. My horoscope sign is Aquarius.
3. When I find something that I love to eat I will eat if over and over again.
4. I like cooking Mediterranean dishes lately.
5. I have 50 cousins.
6. I love designing.
7. I start my day with a yogart smoothie made of yogart, spinach, blueberries, ground flax seeds, cranberry juice, and agave nectar. All blended with a immersion blender. Yummm! :)
I will share this award with the following stylish bloggers:
Alisa Burke
Twinkie Chan
Studio Waterstone
The Black Apple
Maiden Jane
Print and Pattern
Design Sponge
Tracy Porter
The Stylish Blog Award works like this:
You have to:
- Thank and link back to the person who awarded you;
- Share 7 things about yourself;
- Pay it forward to 15 blogs you like (but 3, 5 or any number is ok!);
- Contact those bloggers about the award!
7 things about me...
1. I love animals, everyone who knows me knows this about me.
2. My horoscope sign is Aquarius.
3. When I find something that I love to eat I will eat if over and over again.
4. I like cooking Mediterranean dishes lately.
5. I have 50 cousins.
6. I love designing.
7. I start my day with a yogart smoothie made of yogart, spinach, blueberries, ground flax seeds, cranberry juice, and agave nectar. All blended with a immersion blender. Yummm! :)
I will share this award with the following stylish bloggers:
Alisa Burke
Twinkie Chan
Studio Waterstone
The Black Apple
Maiden Jane
Print and Pattern
Design Sponge
Tracy Porter