Yes, she is off the design table and fully assembled into all her glory... accept for one little problem... the zipper and it's leather zipper flaps are to long for the bag. They worked just fine in the cloth purses that I made but with the bulk of the leather everything was just to tight. So back to the design table for a little nip and tuck. Other than that I'm really pleased with how the design turned out. Since I have my trusty Seiko sewing machine I added even more padding to the structure to give her a full body. And the leather.... the leather is super duper yummy, loving it, loving it, loving it!!!! The good thing about her little zipper mishap is that she's mine now, all mine!

Oooop, it's a little tight and crowded in the zipper areas on the ends, but that's OK with a little redesigning everything will be just dandy.
And here's the new little beauty with her shortened zipper and flaps and everything is just perfect now. I'll be photographing her and listing her to the store very soon. Again, loving the addition of the leather to the bags, hers is super soft and scrumptious!

I've been flying through my supplies of silkscreened and dyed fabrics with all of the new bag designs, so I'll be heading back to the printing studio soon. And for the rest of the day today I'll be testing a new leather that I purchased over the weekend to see if it's going to work in some pouches. Pics to come soon.
Jacque :)