Jeep all packed and ready to head to the show.

The show was at the beautiful City Arts Factory gallery in downtown Orlando.

My handsome husband unpacking his amazing work. Amazing husband & person and amazing work, I'm a lucky girl!

Laying out the game plan.

Which ones are going up on the wall and where?

Up go the masks.

More masks go up.

Tweaking mask next to the beautiful sculpture.
Another amazing mask.

Time to start filling in with the pen and ink drawings.
Things are coming together.

Title cards in place, cloths are draped for sculptures, the show is looking good and ready to go.

This little beauty sold as we were hanging the show, yippee! It was a little favorite and a lot of people wanted to buy it also.

And the show begins! John talking with Cameron, a fellow artist showing at the gallery.

John showing a buyer and the curator how the mask is attached to the frame that he designed and made. The Gentleman on the far left ended up buying this peace and the one to the upper left of it. The gentleman in the middle, is the curator of the gallery, who bought a piece that was showing at the front of the entrance.

This is the gentleman who bought the mask and now he is making his final decision on which pen and ink drawing to purchase.

More patrons admiring John's work.
So last week was an amazing, crazy time! My husband John is part of an art show that is hanging at the CITY ARTS FACTORY gallery in downtown Orlando, Florida for the next month. The days leading up to the show were frantic with us framing and preparing the art. Lots of late nights staying up to 4 am to get everything done. John had a massive amount of work to do over the last month as well, trying to finish the frames for all of the masks, and any drawings that he wanted to add to the show. But it was all worth it! The show turned out to be just amazing. John's work was a huge hit and people flocked to it to admire all that he had created.
Over all five pieces sold on opening night, with one selling as we were hanging the show the day before, making it a total of six pieces sold. Five pen and inks drawings and one mask have already been bought. The show will hang over the next month with nine other artist that are partaking in the show as well. I am so proud and happy for him, he is truly a talented, amazing person and I'm a very lucky girl!
So onto this week, I'm back on for daily blogging as I prepare my shop. There's a lot of business stuff to attend to this week with not much designing at this point. We'll see what the week brings us.
Happy Monday everyone!
Jacque :)