This is my funky baby. She's done in a textured, fringed zebra print, pretty cool. She's a perfect size for the center of a bed or sofa.

This little lady is a furry little love, she's super soft and luxurious, oh so yummy. Also perfect for the center of a bed or sofa.

The exotic beauty. I added a pattern on the back of the pillow that had a feeling of leopard skin. She's a 20"x20" pillow.

I was finally able to finish this little love from the other day that I started. The center pattern fabric on the back is a silky soft fabric, another yum.
It's all a buzz around here! Between assisting my husband, John, with anything he needs help with to pull his gallery show together that is in a week, and projects pilling-up on my design table, and throwing in a little jewelry design freelance work in the mix, it's been just a wee bit busy around here. But that's how I like it, my hair on fire! I was able to finish my freelance work on time, super fun, loved the project I was working on and the client was really happy, always good. I finally returned to my design table and finished these pillow beauties. None of them have their insert pillows yet, but will soon. So, I feel that the pillow line is complete at this point and I will be moving onto the 12" clutch purse designs sitting on my design table wanting my attention. Busy but fun weekend in store for me.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Jacque :)